• Uniek wenbeleid
  • Open van 7.30 tot 18.30 uur
  • Opvang binnen huiskamers
  • Regio Veldhoven e.o.
  • Gericht op ontwikkeling

The living rooms at
Daycare Center Suusje

Daycare Suusje calls their groups “living rooms”. A home away from home. Babies and toddlers need different care, attention, activities and challenges. So we have 3 living rooms especially for babies and 3 completely fitted for toddlers.

Feel free to visit us and book a tour.

KDV Suusje
KDV Suusje
KDV Suusje
KDV Suusje

The registration procedure

Stap 1

Book a tour and ask questions

We will give you a detailed tour so that you can experience the atmosphere

Stap 2

Register your child

One month before the first day at Suusje, we schedule an admission interview

Stap 3

Worry-free to work

Leave your child in the trusted warm hands of professionally trained teachers.

What to expect?

Childcare with a clear vision in Veldhoven

Daycare Suusje remains, despite all changes in legislation, a wonderful, safe, trusted, small-scale and personal environment for children.

At Suusje you opt for involvement and continuity in the care of your child. Leaving the care of your child in the hands of a professionally trained team of pedagogical teachers.

They care, teach and nurture accordingly to our pedagogical vision. The foundation of or homey daycare.

Meet the staff Members
KDV Suusje

The teachers are very loving and caring. They put the child’s needs in the first place and make sure they are happy. If the child is happy, then the parent is happy. It is really important for me that I can leave my child to a place without any doubt or worry. I have this feeling with Suusje.

- Bicer
  • Developments
  • Observations
  • Nutrition
  • Hygiene

We keep track of the development of your child. Personal and digital.


This digital record contains personal data, evaluation- and observation reports. All crafts will be carefully stored in a folder. Besides taking care of the children our teachers are observant. To fine tune our personal approach. This “tracking system” provides a timely identification to individual needs. A benefit to your child, comforting for you as a parent.

Keeping track of development through evaluation

  • 3 months: a talk with the mentor about the development of your child. Our “tracking system” is the guideline. This get-together can be complemented with personal experiences and comments
  • Transferral baby to toddler: a new group for your child at the age of 2. An interview will be scheduled with the current mentor and the new mentor of your child. Topics will be: daily routine, development and additional particularities
  • Final Observation before school starts: before your child turns 4 a last invite from the mentor. A final evaluation of the development before school starts. The report will, with your permission, be sent to their primary school to inform the school. If desired we will take care of a personal transfer to school. More info when the time comes

During the daily pickup moments our pedagogical staff member will take the time for a personal exchange of information. This builds the bond of trust that we at Day Care Centre Suusje find so important. We appreciate your experiences, ide



Lunch, fresh fruit, cookies, beverages and diapers are all price included. Bottle- or breastfeeding, dietary nutrition or “dinner” is on you to provide. Our teachers will prepare the baby food with great care and attention. You wish, as a mom, to breastfeed? No problem! We’ll go over this during the admission interview.



Hygiene is essential. In our living rooms, bedrooms, while preparing food etc,.

We work according to the Safety & Health Policy. Which is currently being tested by the team and it’s being adjusted on the basis of the IKK Legislation.

The teachers ensure a hygienic environment and working method, on a daily basis. Personal care from our staff members is a requirement. The children wear slippers in the living rooms and there are shoe covers available for the parents upon entering the living rooms. Suusje is cleaned daily by our interior cleaners.

You will receive these guidelines when registering you child, or simply request our management.

KDV Suusje
Not unimportant:

What are the costs for childcare

We can help you with that. Click on the button below and you will find a handy calculator where you can calculate your monthly costs so that you can immediately see the actual costs of childcare at Daycare Suusje.

Use the calculator now

Parent Committee

The Patent Committee consists of 4 enthusiastic, involved parents who are committed to the interests of teachers, parents and children. Together they guarantee the quality of Day Care Centre Suusje. The Parent Committee meet 6 times a year.

Mail the Parent Committee

Meet the Parent Committee

OC KDV Suusje - Lindsey


OC - KDV Suusje - Iosifina


Bart van der Staak - Oudercommissie


Debbie Hertogs - Oudercommissie


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